【 Malaysia Long stay, Malaysia Property, Apartment, Hotel,Travel, Rental , MM2H, Blog】

http://lampu.gov.my/ (Still not available)
http://www.malaysia.travel/en/ru/events/2017/12/light-and-motion-putrajaya-lampu-2017 (Check here first)
Event name:
Light and Motion Putrajaya ( LAMPU )
+603 8887 7632
+603-8887 7165 / 7517
Dataran Putrajaya, Precinct 3, Putrajaya
28-Dec-2017 To 01-Jan-2018
Surrounding the road and will be extremely crowded. Car pool lah.
My remark:
I went to 2016 Lampu last year and the projection mapping was great and would like to go for countdown for 2018! Check some picture I took.
Malaysian real estate (sales, rental)
Home Page : https://www.erikklmontkiara.com/
Face Book : https://www.facebook.com/erikmalaysiaproperties/
Youtube : Erik Tabiniko KL&MontKiara Properties
Reservations for short-term and long-term accommodation, and we are also accepting reservations for the popular Malaysia Sky Mirror.
Face Book : https://www.facebook.com/enaworkstabiniko/
Youtube : Tabiniko TV
ekkl2020@gmail.com, eandaworks@gmail.com
6+016-202-2871(Japanese)in Malaysia,
6+012-342-2022(Japanese&English&Chinese&Cantonese&Malay)in Malaysia,
Instagram : aya_malaysia
Twitter : aya_malaysia
Instagram : erikkongkong
Twitter : @Erik84367253
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