【 Malaysia Long stay, Malaysia Property, Apartment, Hotel,Travel, Rental , MM2H, Blog】FEB 2019

【マレーシア 観光 旅行ブログ Blog】
Shop name:
Heun Kee Claypot Chicken Rice at Pudu. 禤記瓦煲雞飯
+603-9200 1603
59, Ground Floor, Jalan Yew, Pudu, 55100 Kuala Lumpur.
Operating Hour:
11.00AM – 9.30PM, closed on every 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month
Surrounding the shotlot.
My remark:
Thank you very much our friend, Roger and Soo brought us to this restaurant! This restaurant is using charcoal to heat up the clay pot with Chicken rice! Its' truly yummy and the chicken was really BIG! And the tasty fried TOUFU and fried Chicken is speechless. The fried Chicken was just similar Japan KARAAGe (Fried Chicken). Its my NO1 Oishii Fried Chicken now! Of course they have many delicious menu waiting for you: http://www.heunkee.com/menu.php , O, their soup and vegetable also ICHIBAN! I really think Pudu is the paradise of gourmet with the traditional ancient taste. Malaysia government should make Pudu to a real '富都', a city with wealth of food.
Pudu other:
PMK Dessert 半山芭大华茶粿, Pudu KL
Keong Kee Herbal Soup (强记补品) in Pudu KL
Chinese desert JI MA WU at Pudu KL:
SOOO GOOD Hearty Soup (小二煨汤) in Pudu KL:
Malaysian real estate (sales, rental)
Home Page : https://www.erikklmontkiara.com/
Face Book : https://www.facebook.com/erikmalaysiaproperties/
Youtube : Erik Tabiniko KL&MontKiara Properties
Reservations for short-term and long-term accommodation, and we are also accepting reservations for the popular Malaysia Sky Mirror.
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Youtube : Tabiniko TV
ekkl2020@gmail.com, eandaworks@gmail.com
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6+012-342-2022(Japanese&English&Chinese&Cantonese&Malay)in Malaysia,
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