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Writer's pictureErik

Do you know how to say 'Happy New Year' in Japanese? Japan will celebrate New Year, '新年&

【マレーシア 観光 旅行 ブログ Blog】Now year end, in Japanese call '年末, Nen Matsu'. Japan company is busy for closing:'閉め, Shime' and send greeting to their valued customer call '年末挨拶, Nen Matsu Ai Satsu' ; Japanese Family is busy for cleaning:'大掃除, Osouji' and buying Japanese New Year stuff or food for decoration (門松, Kadomatsu) and New Year food (おせち料理, Osechi Ryori). We don't say 'Happy New Year' before 1st JAN and only after 0:01am 1st JAN, then we will say 'Happy New Year'. Em, its so punctual... because the Year still not NEW yet LoL. If the period before 0:00am 31st DEC, when greeting to people, will say '良いお年を, Yoi O Toshi O', means 'please have a good New Year'. If the period after 0:01am 1st JAN, will say '新年明けましておめでとうございます, Shin Nen Akemashite O Me De Tou Go Zai i Masu', I know its long and it means 'The New Day already came and congratulation'. So, please say 'Yoi O Toshi O' to me now and 'Shin Nen Akemashite O Me De Tou Go Zai i Masu' after 0:01am 1st JAN. Japan is very cool now. Hope everyone is good. 31st DEC, New Year Eve, we call '大晦日, Oomisoka'.

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