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Sunway bought Jalan Cochrane near Sunway Velocity 双威买入伟乐城附近地皮 サンウェイがサンウェイベロシティー近くにある土地を購入

Writer's picture: ErikErik

Updated: Aug 11, 2022

【 Malaysia Long stay, Malaysia Property, Apartment, Hotel,Travel, Rental , MM2H, Blog】

Sunway purchased 6.59 acres of freehold land on Jalan Cochrane, Kuala Lumpur, and plans to develop integrated projects, including serviced apartments and retail units, with a total development value of at least RM1.15 billion. The seller is Mutiara Rini, a subsidiary of BSTEAD, which is building the developer of One Cochrane condominium and sold the land of Jalan Cochrane for RM233.39 million.

BSTEAD stated that the sale of the land can focus on adding value to the ongoing industrial projects. The proceeds from the sale will be used to repay bank loans, working capital and sale expenses, and it is expected to be completed by the end of this year.

It seems that around Sunway Velocity, Sunway will have another construction in the near future, especially the success of Sunway Velocity, which is also very popular among locals. In addition, the TRX Financial Center is also very close, which will certainly attract investors and people who want to live there.

LAVILE Kuala Lumpur 城景苑(ラビー)

We also selling Sunway Velocity TWO, One Cochrane etc.

Please kindly contact us.


双威买入吉隆坡柯克伦路(Jalan Cochrane)6.59英亩永久地契的地皮,计划发展综合项目,包括服务式公寓及零售单位,发展总值至少11.5亿令吉。卖家则是BSTEAD旗下的Mutiara Rini公司,正在建着One COchrane公寓的发展商,以2亿3339万令吉,脱售Jalan Cochrane的地皮。


看来,Sunway Velocity周围,双威会在近期会有另一番建设,尤其Sunway Velocity取得成功,也深受当地人看好即喜爱。加上,TRX金融中心也非常靠近,定能吸引投资者的投资和想在当地居住的人进入。

我们也销售Sunway Velocity TWO、One Cochrane等,请联络我们。

サンウェイは、クアラルンプールのJalan Cochraneにある6.59エーカーの永久保有地を購入し、マンションや小売店を含む統合プロジェクトの開発を計画しており、総開発額は少なくとも11億5,000万リンギットとのことです。売り手はBSTEADの子会社であるMutiaraRiniで、One Cochraneコンドミニアムを建設し、JalanCochraneの土地を2億3,339万リンギで売却しました。



Sunway Velocity TWO, One Cochraneの販売なども行っています。


Photo and News refer from Internet and subject to change.

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